Saturday 24 May 2014

The Best Love Advice Guidelines For Relationships.

 These relationship tips will help you in showing and expressing  your love and care for others in a healthy way.
Please take the time to study them and integrate these love guidelines into your
marriages and into your love relationships.
Depend on one another.
Be devoted to one another.
Wash one anothers feet.
Rejoice with one another.
Weep with one another.
Live in harmony with one another.
Dont Judge one another.
Accept one another.
Admonish one another.
Greet one another.
Wait for one another.
Care for one another.
Serve one another.
Be kind to one another.
Forgive one another.
Be compassionate toward one another.
Encourage one another.
Submit to one another.
Bear with one another.
Stimulate one another.
Offer hospitality to one another.
Minister spiritual gifts to one another.
Be clothed in humility toward one another.
Don't slander one another.
Don't grumble against one another.
Confess your sins to one another
Pray together and for one another.
Fellowship with one another.
Don't be puffed up against one another.
Carry one anothers burdens.
Prefer one another.
Enjoy one another.
Respect one another.
Laugh with one another.
Play with one another.
Be faithful to one another.
Give to one another.
Touch one another.
Say “I love you” to one another.
Write love notes to one another.
Cherish one another.
Comfort one another.
Love one another.

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